
What We Believe

The Bible

The Holy Scriptures are the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God and the final authority for God’s people.  It is powerful, necessary, and sufficient for determining what we believe and how we should live.


The eternal, unchanging, divine Creator is one in essence and three in persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  God is all knowing, all powerful and present in every place and time.  He is holy and perfect in all He is and does and freely works as He pleases for His glory.  In His incarnation, Jesus is truly man and truly God.  Jesus lived a perfect life on this earth yet died a sinner’s death on the cross, rising again three days later and ascending into the presence of the Father to intercede with Him on our behalf.  The Holy Spirit regenerates and sanctifies God’s people, convicts them of sin, reveals God’s presence and God’s truth, directs God’s people where He would have them go, gives assurance of salvation, and unifies God’s people in fellowship.


Sin entered into the world through the sin of Adam and Eve bringing death and corruption into all of God’s good creation.  A sinful nature was passed on through Adam to all of humanity making each human being (apart from Christ) a sinner and separated from God.  Without God’s grace every human being will be held accountable for their sin and punished for eternity in Hell.


Jesus’ death and resurrection was the atoning sacrifice for sinners and defeated death, sin, and Satan.  Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  Once saved, the believer is eternally secure.  The Christian is not morally perfect, yet all of their sins are pardoned, and everlasting life is granted.

The Church

All Christians everywhere are God’s people, the universal and invisible Church.  The visible and local church represents God’s kingdom and are His witnesses to the lost in a fallen world.  The primary activities of the Church are to worship and glorify God, evangelize the lost, and edify Christians.  We hold to an elder led, congregational ruled form of church government.  We believe the Holy Spirit works primarily through the ministry of God’s word.  We practice believers’ (credo) baptism.

The End

Christ will return again to the earth in judgment and wrath, yet no one other than the Father knows that Day.  After Jesus’ return, He will separate Christians from everyone who did not put their faith in Christ with Believers entering eternal rest in Heaven and non-Believers entering eternal punishment in Hell.